DRPI-Japan & SEA 2023

Preparation of Abstracts for participation in competition

Please read carefully and follow the guidelines provided below for the preparation of the abstract.

  1. The research work included in the abstract should not have been published/presented at any previous conference; ensure that it is original and does not contain copied/plagiarized content.
  2. Only one abstract per presenting author will be accepted.
  3. The abstract should:
    • focus on above listed dissolution or related research areas.
    • be written using simple scientific language to describe recent experiments, innovations, and insights.
    • include data, new concepts or approaches – highlighting the points related to dissolution science/testing and applications.
    • ensure that all claims and conclusions are supported by data or references, especially those making comparisons to competing products.
    • be precise and should not be longer than one A4-sized page (Max 250 words).

Download and refer to the model Abstract. For more details on preparing the abstract view the video tutorial.

Your personal identity or your Institution/organization’s identity should not be revealed in the Body Text or Title of the Abstract. Your abstract may get rejected in case your identity is revealed in any manner within Body Text or Title of the Abstract.


Please arrange Abstract body text under the following headings and in the order shown:

  • Background and Rationale: Should be as brief as possible and should provide background information to understand the research work to be presented by you.
  • Conclusions: Should highlight the significance of your results.
  • References: All references, including URLs, must be numbered consecutively, in the order in which they are cited in the text. Use the style of citation and references as given in the sample model abstract provided. Restrict to a maximum of 3 references.
  • Footnotes: Use of footnotes is permitted but should be limited as much as possible.

Restrict abstract body text to A4 size ­one page document with a maximum of 250 words. Abstracts that run into 2 or more pages would be rejected. 

Guidelines for online abstract submission

Please read carefully and follow the guidelines provided below for the online submission of abstract

  1. You need to use online form to submit your abstract
  2. Select appropriate theme from the list of Area of Research
  3. Select the category for your submission
  4. Write Title of your abstract in the field provided
  5. In the area provided for uploading ‘abstract body’ file, please upload pdf/doc/docx file with only A4 size one page document. Guidelines for preparing abstract body text is provided below. Restrict body text to a maximum of 250 words.
  6. Presenting author details are to be provided in the section below Abstract Body Text. You need to provide photograph, name, date of birth, email, mobile number, and affiliation details.
  7. Details of co-author or project guide are to be provided in appropriate section after the details of Presenting Author. Here too you need to provide photograph of the guide/co-author, name, date of birth, email, mobile, and affiliation details.
  8. You can add details of up to 5 additional authors linked with your abstract.
  9. Acknowledgements: Please ensure you write acknowledgements only in the section provided and do not include it in Abstract Body. Restrict it to a maximum of 50 words.
  10. Select Checkbox for the undertaking provided.
  11. Upload scanned copy of signed certificate from your guide / institution head to confirm your status as a student.
  12. Re-check and confirm all the details filled-in by you before you click on submit.


On submission of your Abstract, you will receive an on-screen acknowledgment.

The submitted abstract will be sent to an expert committee for evaluation of the focus of research work to the theme of the conference, scientific content, as well as the accuracy of language and grammar. You will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email.

The list of accepted abstracts will be put up on DRPI website (drpi.spds.world/JSEA/) as per the key timelines. 

Guidelines for the preparation & submission of video

All the researcher whose Abstract gets accepted as per online list of accepted abstracts, should prepare PowerPoint slides, again distributed into Title, Background & Rationale, Method, Results, Data Analysis, and Conclusions. The References may be inserted in the slide towards the end or maybe inserted as Footnotes on individual slides.

Ensure that your slides are of high quality and clearly visible.

Nowhere in the Presentation should your identity or your organization’s identity be revealed. Do not add any acknowledgments, logos and/or sponsor names. Stick to purely technical Presentation. Your Presentation may get rejected in case your identity is revealed in any form.

The PowerPoint slides once ready, should be converted into a pre-recorded 10-minute Oral Video Presentation, wherein the clear video of the presenter shall appear on the top-right of the slides. Make sure the audio narration of the presenter is clearly audible and is pleasant to listen to it.

We expect a confident, enthusiastic, loud, and clear 10-minute Oral Video Presentation as the same presentation is evaluated at each stage ahead from Zonal to Semi-finals and All-India Finals, subsequent to selection at each stage.

You can use any platform to record your video Presentation. However, the instructions to use Free Zoom platform to record video Presentation is available here.

You’ll need to upload your 10-minute oral video presentation on YouTube and submit the link for further evaluation. Keep the ‘Visibility‘ setting of your YouTube video as ‘unlisted‘.

Please note: Before submitting the YouTube link of your video, please ensure that ‘Visibility’ setting of your YouTube video is not ‘Private‘. To ensure the same, visit your video link on a different device or browser without logging into your gmail/YouTube account or ask someone from family or friends to click on your video link and ensure that it is visible to all.


  • Slides need to be prepared using the presentation template.
  • Fonts should be plain (such as Arial) and of size at least 24 point (28 to 32 point font size is ideal).
  • For graphs, axes should be clearly labeled, lines thickened, and highly visible colors should be used. If you use symbols to differentiate among data sets, make sure that there is no merging.
  • If scanned images are used, make sure that they are sharp and clear, with all the text easily readable, preferably using a white background and black text.
  • If image requires manipulation, use any good photo editor program to enhance the lines and/or change the color.
  • A better option is to redraw the graph or image and the reference shall be given as a footnote starting with the statement ‘Adapted from…’.
  • Avoid ‘busy’ slides packed with text or numbers. All text shall be presented as bullet points.
  • If you represent an Industry, please treat your competitors, as you would want yourself to be treated. Being a young researcher presentation event, please avoid claims of competitive advantage.
  • Practice your presentation in advance and time it within 10-minutes. If you cannot complete your talk in the allocated time of 10 minutes, reduce the number of slides.
  • Presentation recording should be done by Presenting Author only. Any unethical practice adopted will lead to disqualification.


The video Presentations will be reviewed by DRPI-JSEA 2023 Scientific Committees and a list of Titles selected for the Finals will be put up on the website as per the key timelines.

Selected Presentations (Finalists) for DRPI-JSEA 2023 Finals will be announced on the website as per the key timelines.

DRPI-JSEA 2023 Finals would be conducted on Friday, Aug 02, 2023. This will also consist of the re-play of pre-recorded 10-minutes Presentation, followed by live Q&A for up to 5-minutes.

Key contacts for DRPI-JSEA 2023

In case of any queries, you may contact:


A Global Dissolution Research Presentations
Competition for Young Pharmaceutical Researchers.

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