DRPI-US 2024


Inviting abstracts

Society for Pharmaceutical Dissolution Science (SPDS) invites Abstracts for Oral Presentation in the above forum.

Abstracts would be accepted under 2 categories:

  1. Pharm D. / M.S.
  2. Ph.D. / Post Doctoral Trainees / Industry Professionals

in the research areas related to:

  1. Dissolution & Solubility Modulation
  2. In vitro Release/Permeation Studies of Conventional & Novel Dosage Forms, including Herbals, Nutraceuticals & Cosmeceuticals
  3. Pharmacokinetics & IVIVC Studies
  4. Modified Dissolution Equipment & Methodologies, including Biorelevant Media & Automation
  5. Computational Tools, PBPK Modelling

How to participate?

To participate in the competition, it is essential to carefully read and follow the provided guidelines for preparing the abstract and, if subsequently requested,
a 10-minute oral video presentation recording.

  • It is crucial that your research work presented in the abstract is original (i.e. not previously published as of July 05, 2024), and concisely and accurately presented. Please note that only one abstract per presenting author will be accepted for the competition. Industry professionals cannot have more than 10 years of work experience since terminal scientific degree.
  • Please submit your abstract under one of the following two categories
    a. Category 1: For students enrolled in the Pharm.D. and M.S. program (or graduated within the last six months).
    b. Category 2: For individuals pursuing Ph.D., Post Doctoral Trainees, and Industry Professionals. This category includes Ph.D.(s) who graduated within the last six months and Post Docs who left traineeship within the last six months.
  • Please make sure to select the category that best fits your qualifications. This will ensure that your submission is reviewed by the appropriate committee. Presenting author must be living in US or US territory or Canada; submissions from trainees must reflect trainee’s work in US or US territory or Canada.
  • The abstract should be no more than an 800 words summary of research findings and up to two (2) images. The format should include Title, Author/s, Affiliation, Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and References (optional). Title, author/s, affiliation, and any references will not be counted towards 800 words. In optional REFERENCES section, reference any previously published material used in your research. Reviewers will be blinded, such that author/s and affiliation will not be available to reviewers during the review process. Other abstract elements should not reveal authors’ identity or affiliation.
  • In a blinded fashion, abstracts will be reviewed and scored based on the following:
    1. Is the CONCLUSION of the research data driven?
    2. How EXCITING/NOVEL will viewers find this research?
    3. How well does the RESEARCH incrementally advance its field?
    4. Is the abstract WELL WRITTEN?
    5. Does the abstract reflect/follow INSTRUCTIONS? (e.g., related to dissolution, word count, does not reveal authors’ identify)
  • Potential reasons for an abstract not progressing include:
    1. Failure to follow format guidelines (Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions, References [optional]).
      Lack of data.
    2. Inconsistent or ambiguous data.
      Lack of novelty or innovation.
    3. Acknowledgements were included in the abstract, preventing a blind review.
    4. Affiliation or company name(s) were included in the abstract, preventing a blind review (product names are permitted).
    5. Reviews of literature.
    6. Previously published research.
  • Please submit all abstracts through the online portal as per given timelines. Abstracts received after this deadline will not be considered. (Abstract submission link is provided under 'How to Participate?' menu above)
  • All abstracts will undergo a thorough review process by a team of experienced experts in the field. Following the review, the selection committee will announce their decision on the online portal and notify candidates via email. Some abstracts will progress, and those authors will be invited to prepare a ten-minute (maximum) recorded video presentation. This video presentation must be submitted on the online portal using the URL/guideline that you'll receive on your registered email. If you are selected to submit a video recording presentation, please make sure to carefully review the presentation format and submission instructions available on the online portal. The uploaded video will be considered for all rounds of the competition. After the evaluation of the video presentations, a few candidates will be selected to give a live presentation. The candidates selected to do a live presentation will be announced on the online portal.
  • The live online presentation will be a national event, featuring an on-line, professional gathering of students, faculty, researchers, and industry delegates. The live presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session with a panel of judges. We encourage all to attend the event.
  • Each category will have potentially three prizes: first prize, second prize, and third prize. The first prize in each category is USD1000, the second prize is USD750, and the third prize is USD500. There are six potential prizes in total for the two categories. The announcement of the winners will be made on the online portal, and they will also be notified via email
  • One finalist will be selected to compete in the international DRPI competition, where they will have the opportunity to showcase their work on a global stage.
  • The international event is scheduled to take place online. Additional information regarding the event will be released on the website, and we strongly encourage all participants to stay up to date by checking the website regularly for the latest updates and details.
  • The winner of the DRPI World finals event shall receive a prize of USD2000 under each category.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria for Abstracts:

Each abstract is carefully evaluated, in a blinded fashion, on the following criteria on a scale of 1 to 5:

  • Is the conclusion of the research data driven?
  • How exciting/novel is the research?
  • How well does the research incrementally advance its field?
  • Is the abstract well written?
  • Does the abstract reflect/follow instructions (e.g., word count, does not reveal authors' or institution's identity)?

Additionally, each reviewer will also assign an overall score on a scale of 1 to 9. With 1 representing exceptional and 9 representing poor. Ratings will be given in whole numbers without the use of decimals. Overall scores across reviewers will determine overall rank. No formula is used to derive the overall impact score from the individual criterion scores, and reviewers are instructed to weigh the different criteria as they see fit in deriving their overall scores.

Evaluation Criteria for Recorded Video Presentations:

Each video presentation is carefully evaluated on the following criteria on a scale of 1 to 5:

  • Clarity and effectiveness of the presentation: The presentation should be clear, well-organized, and effectively convey the research findings to the audience.
  • Quality of the scientific content: The presentation should demonstrate a sound understanding of the scientific principles and methods involved in the research.
  • Use of visual aids: Visual aids should be clear, effective, and used appropriately to support the presentation.
  • Originality and impact of the research: The presentation should showcase original and impactful research that contributes to the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
  • Professionalism: The presenter should display professionalism and effective communication skills throughout the presentation.
  • Ability to answer questions: During the final live presentation, the presenters will also be evaluated on their ability to effectively answer questions related to their research and demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic

Additionally, each reviewer will also assign an overall score on a scale of 1 to 9. With 1 representing exceptional and 9 representing poor. Ratings will be given in whole numbers without the use of decimals. Overall scores across reviewers will determine overall rank. No formula is used to derive the overall impact score from the individual criterion scores, and reviewers are instructed to weigh the different criteria as they see fit in deriving their overall scores.

Awards and Recognition

DRPI-US 2024

Category 1
• Pharm.D. Students
• M.S Students

First Prize         ($1000)

Second Prize    ($750)

Third Prize       ($500)

Category 2
• Ph.D. Students
• Post-Doctoral Trainees
• Industry Professionals

First Prize       ($1000)

Second Prize   ($750)

Third Prize      ($500)


Please Note: Participant/Winner of the DRPI competition will be eligible for only one cash prize, whichever is higher under each category.

Key Timelines


Abstract Submissions

Last date: Friday, July 05, 2024

Preliminary Round

Acceptance notification: Monday, July 19, 2024

Video submission

Last date: Monday, August 05, 2024
Announcement of finalists: Monday, August 26, 2024

DRPI-US Finals

Thursday, September 05, 2024

DRPI World Finals

Saturday & Sunday, September 21 & 22, 2024


Thursday, September 7, 2023
Mobirise Website Builder
Niloufar Salehi
Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis

Topic: Comparative evaluation of dissolution performance in USP 2 setup and alternative stirrers and vessel designs: A systematic computational investigation  

Mobirise Website Builder
Sushesh Srivatsa Palakurthi
Texas A&M University, Kingsville, TX

Topic: Development and Validation of Microdialysis-Based Discriminatory and Biorelevant In vitro Release Testing Instrument for Complex Ophthalmic Products  

Mobirise Website Builder
Angela Ren
The University of Texas, Austin

Topic: A mechanistic understanding of drug release mechanisms from long-acting ethylene vinyl acetate implants.


A Global Dissolution Research Presentations
Competition for Young Pharmaceutical Researchers.

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